Special Feature: APPrO 2019 conference proceedings
Proceedings of "The Inflection Point," the 31st Annual APPrO 2019 Canadian Power Conference
November 21 & 22, 2019
Click the following link for the APPrO 2019 conference proceedings: (PDF file, approx. 8 MB).{jd_file file==5}
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Full step-by-step instructions to access APPrO conference proceedings:
The proceedings of APPrO 2019, the 31st Canadian Power Conference are now available to all subscribers to the APPrO magazine. To access the proceedings magazine subscribers are advised to use the instructions below.
1. Go to the magazine website – https://magazine.appro.org.
2. At the top right, select “member” then select “Send Fresh Auto Login Link” and enter your email address.
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6. Use the magnifying glass at the top right to search for “APPrO2019_proceedings” (Exact phrase). Or use this link:https://magazine.appro.org/news/national-news/6285-appro2019_proceedings.html
7. Click the hyperlink labelled "APPrO 2019 conference proceedings"
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