MRP detailed design documents posted for input

The IESO announced in May that drafts of four detailed design documents for the Market Renewal Program (MRP) energy stream had been published for stakeholder review. The draft design documents address the following areas:

• Offers, Bids and Data Inputs

• Grid and Market Operations Integration

• Market Power Mitigation

• Market Settlement.

          The posting of these documents kicks off a stakeholder review period that will end with a deadline for feedback on July 31, 2020. To support the review and feedback of these documents prior to July 31, the IESO is scheduling engagement sessions in June (with the opportunity for additional sessions if required) to answer any stakeholder questions on the content of the design documents.

          The design documents are available on the documents page of the MRP Energy webpage. In addition, feedback forms for each draft design document are available on that page to coordinate and organize the stakeholder feedback being submitted.

          To stay in touch with the progress and status of MRP, the IESO encourages interested parties to visit the MRP Energy detailed design engagement webpage or subscribe to the newly launched MRP Newsletter for updates to be sent by email. More information here.