Eligible DERs must make an incremental contribution to meeting local need. Resources eligible to participate include:
• Dispatchable DERs, including demand response, storage, gas engines, combined heat and power
• Non-dispatchable DERs that are not currently constructed and driven by the Demonstration, including solar PV
• DERs with capacity ≥100 kW are eligible on a stand-alone basis; DERs <100 kW are eligible on an aggregated basis, including residential DR
• DERs directly connected to the distribution system
• Behind-the-meter (BTM) DERs eligible as DR
• DERs participating in the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) are eligible.
For more information, see Concept design for the LEM Demonstration project (contained in the IESO’s December 12 presentation “IESO York Region Non-Wires Alternative Demonstration”).