On April 23 Bruce Power announced that it had signed $914 million in advanced manufacturing contracts for its Major Component Replacement Project. The work is slated to begin in 2020 and the company notes that it will allow the site to provide “low-cost, carbon-free electricity to Ontario through 2064.”
The Major Component Replacement (MCR) Project agreements include:
• $642 million to BWXT Canada Inc. for the manufacturing of 32 steam generators to be produced at BWXT’s Cambridge facility.
• $144 million to Laker Energy Products for end fittings, liners and flow elements, which will be manufactured at its Oakville location.
• $62 million to Cameco Fuel Manufacturing, in Cobourg, for calandria tubes and annulus spacers for all six MCRs.
• $66 million for Nu-Tech Precision Metals, in Arnprior, for the production of zirconium alloy pressure tubes for Units 6 and 3.
The company said its Life-Extension Program, which started in January 2016 with Asset Management Program investments and includes the MCRs on Units 3-8, remains on time and on budget.