Short notes

New Rules - A new regulation for net metering came into force on July 1. The most relevant aspect of the new rules is the elimination of limit size of 500 kW for solar and renewable energy power generators installed under the scheme. See pv-magazine and OEB

- Langford eBulletin, July 2017


Northern Support - The province is providing support for large and industrial businesses in the north through the improved Northern Industrial Electricity Rate (NIER) program. See Ontario

- Langford eBulletin, July 2017


Battery Power - With its partners, Festival Hydro has announced the largest battery storage facility in Canada, marking the first step towards creating a micro-grid in Stratford. See Beacon

- Langford eBulletin, July 2017


Storage Approved - Goderich City Council has approved a proposal for a 1.75 MW, 7 MWh compressed air energy storage plant, using unused salt caverns. The project uses technology that captures heat from compressing the air in order to avoid using natural gas. See UtilityDive

- Langford eBulletin, June 2017