Michelle Branigan, the CEO of Electricity Human Resources Canada, received an additional title on November 17: The first recipient of the Woman of Distinction Award from WiRE, Women in Renewable Energy. The announcement was made as part of the APPrO 2015 banquet dinner.
In making the presentation WiRE Co-Chair Rebecca Black noted that Ms Branigan “has been instrumental in keeping EHRC vibrant and persistently continues to far exceed the needs of the industry.” WiRE Co-chair Joanna Osawe said, “Michelle has actively worked to support the role of women in the sector, and has led many projects that have assisted utilities in exploring an array of HR challenges associated with the skewed demographic profile. This includes exploring different talent pools such as Aboriginal Peoples, Women and New Canadians.”
Over the years, Michelle has quickly become “the voice of the sector when it comes to HR issues facing the electricity and renewable industry across all technologies.” She has been CEO of Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) since 2010. EHRC describes itself as “Canada’s most trusted source of objective human resource information with market information and tools to help the Canadian electricity and renewables industry.”
The WiRE Women of Distinction Awards recognize and celebrate professional women working in the energy sector who go above and beyond business-as-usual. WiRE presents three Awards annually: Wind Power, Solar Power and this, the first, Woman of the Year.