Bruce Power gets highest safety report

Tiverton, Ontario: Bruce Power announced August 20 that it had received the highest marks in its 14-year history in the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s annual safety grading of Canada’s nuclear plants.

   “We have worked very hard to continuously improve our safety performance and we’re seeing those efforts reflected in the CNSC report card,” said Duncan Hawthorne, President and CEO. “The credit for this goes to our employees as they are the ones who show up to work every day with an unwavering focus on safety.”

    The regulator provides grades in 15 different safety categories. Bruce A received three Fully Satisfactory and 12 Satisfactory grades while Bruce B received four Fully Satisfactory grades and 11 Satisfactory.

          Bruce B received an Integrated Plant Rating of Fully Satisfactory which is the highest ranking a nuclear plant can achieve and an improvement over last year. Bruce B also received Fully Satisfactory in Operating Performance, Conventional Health and Safety, Waste Management and Security. Bruce A received Fully Satisfactory marks in Conventional Health and Safety, Waste Management and Security. The CNSC has compared the Fully Satisfactory and Satisfactory marks to grades of ‘A+’ and ‘A’ respectively in media reports.