“Electricity is the lifeblood of Ontario’s economy,” APPrO President Dave Butters says, “and what better way to underline that fact than through graphics dramatizing the impact power generation has on investment, job creation and environmental protection.” A new APPrO publication now available online takes readers through a variety of revealing facts and figures.
In early 2015 APPrO retained the consulting firm Power Advisory LLP to summarize the amount of investment, jobs and emission reductions stimulated by the development of power projects in Ontario over the last 7 years. “The results were impressive, even to those of us who work in the sector,” Butters says.
The value of direct investments made in generation in Ontario from 2008-2014 totals nearly $30 billion. The amount of additional renewable power capacity installed in Ontario during the same period was 6,298 MW with a value of $18.2 billion.
The total generating capacity added to the Ontario grid in the last 6 years amounts to 12,731 MW. This is enough energy to power more than 8 million new homes, the researchers estimate.
Power generation investments directly created a total of 273,833 new jobs according to the Power Advisory calculations.
The number of generation facilities under contract in Ontario as of year-end 2014 was 22,171 projects, totaling 18,878.2 MW.
APPrO has published not only the conclusions of the report but also the calculations, in a spreadsheet based on data from publicly available sources.
For further information, and details of the background research see www.appro.org/value .
Related information:
* Click here for APPrO's news release summarizing the project
* See the Value of Electricity video on YouTube
* Summary presentation on the Value of Electricity
* Detailed footnotes and sources for the research
* Click here for the Spreadsheet prepared by Power Advisory summarizing their calculations