FIT 4: Enhancements to the FIT program

This table summarizes changes made to the Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Program by the IESO, in preparation for FIT 4. The changes, released by the IESO on April 28, reflect feedback received on the FIT 2015 Discussion Paper as well as the direction of April 7, 2015 from the Minister of Energy.

Proposed Enhancements

Impact to FIT 4

Award Price bid-down Priority Points

- Price Reduction Priority Points have been introduced which are awarded to Applicants who reduce their Base Price by a set percentage.

- From 1 to 3 Priority Points will be awarded for the three Price Reduction Tiers. (See Figures 5.1 and 8.1 of the FIT Rules, Version 4.0 for more information)

Remove Project Type Priority Points while maintaining Contract Capacity Set-Asides (CCSA)

- Project Type Priority Points have been removed from FIT 4.

- CCSAs have been maintained with changes to the MW allocation method and amounts being modified.

- Each of the CCSA categories (municipalities and public sector entities, Aboriginal communities and communities) will receive an equal one-third portion of the total CCSA allocation.

Remove the System Benefit Priority Point

- The System Benefit Priority Point has been removed from FIT 4.

Reconsider the eligible Renewable Fuel types

- No changes have been made to the Renewable Fuels eligible under FIT 4.

Incorporate the Unconstructed Rooftop Solar Pilot into FIT

- The Unconstructed Rooftop Solar Pilot has been incorporated into FIT 4.

- FIT 4 now has requirements relating to Rooftop Solar Projects on Unconstructed Buildings.

- A number of the pilot-specific provisions have been removed, such as the separate pilot procurement target.

- A 5 MW limit has been set for the number of Rooftop Solar Projects on Unconstructed Buildings that are Farm Buildings.

Provide municipal exemption for residential, commercial and industrial land-use restrictions

- A Land Use Restriction Exemption Resolution has been introduced for FIT 4.

- For ground-mounted solar projects, this resolution allows the Local Municipality to provide an exemption to the residential, commercial and industrial land-use restrictions in FIT 4.

Harmonize land-use restrictions with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement

- Land-use restrictions in FIT 4 have been harmonized with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement.

- Applicable requirements and Standard Definitions have been updated to reflect this change.

Replace Application time stamp with a random draw

- Application time stamp has been maintained in FIT 4.

Other enhancements not included in the FIT 2015 Discussion Paper

Clarify LDC participation as Municipal Participation Projects

- LDCs that are controlled by one or more municipalities may qualify as a Municipal Participation Project even if the municipal economic interest is held indirectly.

New Aboriginal Site Host Priority Points

- A new Priority Point has been created for Aboriginal Community Site Hosts.

- A Priority Point will be granted for projects located entirely on First Nation Lands or Métis Lands.

Clarify Municipal Site Host Priority Points

- Municipal Site Host Priority Points are only available within the geographic jurisdiction of the municipality that is granting the Applicant Access Rights.

Voluntary Termination

- Voluntary Termination clauses have been added to the FIT Contract.

Solar DC/AC overbuild ratio limit

- Maintain the current 120% overbuild ratio.