OWA plans hydro reference centre

The Ontario Waterpower Association announced the award of a contract February 25 to 4DM and Senes Consultants to prepare a feasibility study for the organization’s proposed “Waterpower Reference Centre.”

          The OWA explains that both the industry and the province have recognized the potential benefits of retaining and using ecological information to help guide future resource management decisions. To this end, OWA is proposing to design and develop a central location for environmental reports, supporting data/information, and best management practices. A first step is completing this feasibility study to better understand existing systems, holdings, and available products.

          This project is being undertaken through a partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) and is intended to leverage the considerable investment being made by the water power industry in the collection of data and information related to hydroelectric projects.”

          At present, an estimated $150 to 200 million is being invested in waterpower development and redevelopment to support environmental assessments and approvals across the province, said Paul Norris, OWA President. “If this data and information could be captured centrally it could help inform adaptive management, effectiveness monitoring and answer some of the broader science questions.”