Bruce Power to be part of international safety review

Bruce Power announced on December 19 that it would participate in an operational safety performance review led by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The review will focus on Bruce B, which is recognized internationally for its safety and operational performance – it was awarded the Institute of Nuclear Power Operators (INPO) award of excellence in recognition of its world-class performance in November.

          “I’m honoured we have been chosen to participate in this prestigious international review, where we will share the progress we’ve made on the Bruce Power site since 2001, and continue to do what nuclear operators do best – focus on sharing best practices and continuous improvement,” said Duncan Hawthorne, President and CEO, Bruce Power.

          Bruce Power will host a group of international nuclear experts led by IAEA through an Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) Mission in 2015. Bruce Power was put forward for this review by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), Canada’s independent nuclear regulator and an active participant in the international nuclear community.

          The OSART Program has been in place since 1982, providing member states the opportunity to share best practices and also to support continuous improvements to their operations. Best practices identified through these reviews are shared through the IAEA with other nuclear operators.

          “We all know the role that Bruce Power plays in southwestern Ontario as both a good corporate citizen and contributor to Ontario’s economy through investment and low-cost electricity, but I don’t think many realize how well respected the organization is on the international stage,” said Ben Lobb, Member of Parliament for Huron-Bruce.

          Bruce Power’s facilities are licensed by the CNSC, which has inspectors on site and publishes an annual report on the safety performance of all nuclear power plants in Canada. Bruce Power’s report card from 2013 can be found at In addition, Bruce Power is also an active member of the World Association of Nuclear Operators, which also conducts reviews of facilities with extensive information sharing. For more information on the OSART Mission, readers may locate an online video at or see Bruce Power’s information page at

          Bruce Power operates the world’s largest operating nuclear generating facility and is the source of roughly 30 per cent of Ontario’s electricity. Formed in 2001, Bruce Power is an all-Canadian partnership among Borealis Infrastructure Management (a division of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System), TransCanada, the Power Workers’ Union and the Society of Energy Professionals. A majority of Bruce Power’s employees are also owners in the business.