7 new projects launched under Smart Grid fund

Toronto: On November 27, The Ontario Ministry of Energy announced seventeen new energy projects through its Smart Grid Fund program. US-based Smart Grid News, one of the leading media services in the field, characterized the announcement as Ontario embarking “on Round 2 of ambitious smart grid upgrade.”

          The province will provide almost $24 million, supporting about $54 million in total electricity sector investment, on projects that are expected to create more than 350 jobs. The latest round of funding will support energy technology projects in the areas of:

• Energy storage: to allow energy to be stored and brought back to the grid on request to balance system needs.

• Electric vehicle integration: to assist customers and utilities in managing the unique electricity system challenges associated with electric vehicle (EV) adoption.

• Behind the Meter: to enable two-way information exchange between consumer and the utility in order to improve system efficiency and consumer cost management.

• Microgrids: to integrate localized groups of electricity generation, energy storage, and loads so that they can function autonomously from the main electricity grid and increase local reliability..

• Grid automation: to use innovative software and hardware to help local utilities increase their visibility into system conditions and remotely control and manage the electricity grid.

• Data analytics: to find new ways to use data generated by smart meters and other electricity grid assets to help improve investment decisions and system performance.

          The Smart Grid Fund is a $50 million program that supports “high-value opportunities to advance energy innovation in Ontario.” Launched in April 2011, the Smart Grid Fund has supported eleven projects to date, creating more than 600 direct and indirect jobs.