OPG’s most recent performance report sums up progress towards several of the province’s long term objectives for the energy sector.
Dated Summer 2014, the eight-page report, which includes summaries of the company’s recent financial and operating data, also features news on:
• The Darlington Refurbishment, including an update on OPG’s state-of- the-art training facility and
world-first mock up reactor
• OPG’s hydroelectric projects, including the recently completed unit at Harmon on the Lower
Mattagami River
• A recently completed emergency drill – one of the largest ever in Canada
• OPG’s successful implementation of the Province’s off-coal strategy, which represents North
America’s single largest climate change initiative, and
• A colourful two-page graphic that outlines OPG efforts to enhance and preserve biodiversity across
The full report is available online.