Milestones in Reliability Standard Development version 3.1 available online

An updated spreadsheet detailing reliability standards milestones is now available on the Reliability Standards webpage. Updates are made regularly by the IESO to reflect changes in status of existing NERC standards (revisions/retirements) or the addition of new standards to the NERC standards listing. This tool allows users to follow the standards development process and to determine the status of standards in Ontario. The columns include:

• NERC Board of Trustees (BOT) Adoption Date

• OEB Remand Process Start Date

• OEB Remand Process End Date

• Mandatory Enforcement Date in Ontario

• Inactive Date in Ontario

          The latest spreadsheet can be accessed from a link in the Ontario Enforcement Dates for NERC Reliability Standards and NPCC Criteria section of the Reliability Standards webpage (

          The IESO has been in contact with all affected generators and advised them of their BES definition status. The new BES definition took effect in Ontario on July 1, 2014. Affected generators have two years from this date to come into compliance.

          For further information readers may also wish to visit the NERC web pages related to CIP V5 transition: