The reliability of Ontario’s electricity system remains positive, the Independent Electricity System Operator reported September 4 in its latest 18-Month Outlook. The Outlook, which covers the period September 2014 to February 2016, forecasts adequate supply levels and reliable transmission service throughout that timeframe.
Highlights of the report include:
In total, 2,400 MW of new generation capacity will connect to the transmission grid over this period, including wind, solar, hydro and biomass generation. At the same time, an additional 900 MW in renewable generation will be connected to local distribution systems.
Atikokan Generating Station (GS) has been completely converted to biomass and is now the largest biomass power plant in North America. Thunder Bay GS, the last coal facility to retire in the province, is also in the process of being converted to biomass and will be in service during the upcoming 18-month outlook period. Collectively, these stations will add approximately 350 MW of supply to the system.
Energy consumption was slightly lower this summer, partially as a result of cooler weather. The summer peak was roughly 3,600 MW lower than the previous year’s. Ontario may see a narrower gap between winter and summer peaks than in previous years.
The IESO continues to move forward to develop its first demand response (DR) auction in 2015. It is anticipated that a market-based approach to procuring DR will provide greater flexibility to the system and a broader range of opportunities for DR providers.
“The operating landscape continues to change, which is why we are moving forward with a number of market-based enhancements such as an auction for demand response to support reliability in a cost-effective way,” said Bruce Campbell, President and CEO of the IESO.