Contracted generation capacity rises

The Ontario Power Authority added 71 megawatts to its contracted generation capacity in the first quarter of 2014.

          According to its latest quarterly report, the OPA administered contracts for 22,518 MW of electricity at the end of March 2014, of which 16,469 MW were already in commercial operation. That figure represents about 62 percent of the total installed capacity in Ontario’s electricity sector. The remaining 6,049 MW of the OPA’s contracted capacity is in various stages of development.

          The increase in overall contracted capacity includes the addition of new contracts under the second version of the Feed-in Tariff Program (FIT 2).

          By the end of the reporting period, the OPA had under contract 8,258 MW of renewable non-hydroelectric generation, 2,432 MW of renewable hydroelectric, 8,828 MW of natural gas and other fuel sources along with 3,000 MW of nuclear capacity.

          “We are very proud of the significant role that we have played in growing, transforming and modernizing Ontario’s electrical system and working diligently to be a fair and credible counterparty for our suppliers and ratepayers,” said JoAnne Butler, the OPA’s Vice-President of Electricity Resources.