On August 29, 2014, the Minister of Energy directed the OPA to extend the FIT 3 procurement by allocating up to 100 MW to Eligible Applicants provided there is available connection capacity. The remaining 50 MW of the 150 MW 2014 FIT Procurement Target will be applied to the 2015 Procurement Target. This will increase the 2015 procurement target to 200 MW.
Eligible Applicants are those whose applications were:
(i) received through the FIT 3.0 application period (Nov. 4, 2013 to Dec. 13, 2013)
(ii) deemed complete and eligible, and;
(iii) not included in the contract Offer List posted on July 30, 2014.
This means that the next new application period is expected in 2015. The extended FIT 3 procurement maintains the government’s commitment in the 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan to provide annual FIT procurements.
On October 9, the OPA posted version 3.0.2 of the FIT Contract, which includes the requirement to reconfirm Municipal Council Support Resolutions or Aboriginal Support Resolutions, if applicable, as part of the Notice to Proceed (NTP) Pre-requisites as further detailed in section 2.4. Other changes include check boxes under a new item 10(j) of the FIT Contract Cover Page to indicate whether support resolutions were evidenced as a part of the original application and will therefore be required as a part of the Supplier’s NTP Request.
All successful extended FIT 3 procurement applicants will be offered version 3.0.2 of the FIT Contract.