New unit generating power at Lower Mattagami project

A new 78-MW hydropower unit at the Harmon Generating Station is now in operation, ahead of schedule and on budget, said Ontario Power Generation on June 20. This new unit is part of the Lower Mattagami Project, which is a unique partnership between the Moose Cree First Nation and OPG.

          Moose Cree First Nation Chief Norm Hardisty Jr. said, “The completion of the new generating unit at Harmon hydroelectric station is a testimony to the power of partnership.” OPG Chief Executive Officer Tom Mitchell said: “As a public power company, OPG is committed to serving Ontario. This includes managing and delivering our projects at high levels of professionalism and excellence. Safely completing the Harmon Generating Station, on time and on budget demonstrates that OPG and our partners, the Moose Cree First Nation, are meeting this goal.”

          In total, Harmon and the recently completed Little Long station have added 145 MW of hydropower to Ontario’s supply. The entire Lower Mattagami Project is tracking on schedule and on budget. By the time work is complete in 2015, the capacity of the Lower Mattagami plants will have increased from 486 MW to 924 MW.

          The Moose Cree First Nation now has a 25% equity interest in the new units at Little Long and Harmon. As additional units come on line, the Moose Cree First Nation will have a 25% equity interest in those projects, as well. New units are being added at three existing generating stations. A new 267 MW station is being built at Smoky Falls to replace the existing 52 MW station that will be retired once the new station is operating. The facilities and their pre and post-project capacities are: Little Long, 138 MW before, 205 MW after (now complete); Harmon, 142 MW before, 220 MW after (now complete); Kipling, 154 MW before, 232 MW after; and Smoky Falls, 52 MW before, 267 MW after.

Hydro Review, July 2014