
OPA outlines framework for Large Renewable Procurement


Toronto: The Ontario Power Authority has laid out a preliminary framework and timetable for the next round of Large Renewable Procurement (LRP). Through this procurement process the agency expects to secure as much as 565 MW of new renewable capacity. It has set targets of 300 MW for On-Shore Wind, 140 MW for solar, 75 MW for waterpower, and 50 MW for bioenergy. If the present timetable is maintained, the RFP will be open for proposals from January to May of 2015, and successful proposals will be announced in August 2015.

          The LRP I RFP Framework has been posted for review and comment until September 2, 2014. This document outlines some of the concepts that are anticipated to form part of the LRP I RFP and is intended to solicit feedback to be considered for the development of the LRP I RFP. The OPA has also posted a set of program resources in addition to the framework document, including LRP I RFQ Blackline from draft to Final, and Prescribed Forms for RFQ Applicant Declarations, RFQ Applicant and Tangible Net Worth, Project Questionnaire and Development Experience, and Qualification Submission Amendment or Withdrawal. The proposed contract has not yet been posted. Stakeholders may submit comments related to the LRP I RFP Framework by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

          More information on the LRP I RFP Framework review period, including feedback forms, can be found on the OPA’s Stakeholder Engagement page. A webinar to discuss the LRP I RFP Framework took place on July 29, 2014. For more information on the APPrO Working Group preparing input on the issue, please contact Jake Brooks at the APPrO office. For more information on the LRP, please see the OPA website at http://www.powerauthority.on.ca/large-renewable-procurement.