
Rob Cary honored by APPrO with the 2012 Hedley Palmer Award


A distinguished Canadian energy expert, Robert Cary, was presented with APPrO’s 2012 Hedley Palmer Award on November 6. In a banquet ceremony that formed part of the 24th Annual Canadian Power conference, APPrO’s Vice Chair, Mike Bernstein of Capstone Infrastructure, outlined the scope of Mr. Cary’s accomplishments and why the organization had chosen him to receive the honour this year.

Rob Cary receiving the 2012 Hedley Palmer Award from APPrO’s Vice Chair, Mike Bernstein, at the APPrO 2012 Canadian Power Banquet on November 6, 2012 in Toronto.

          Mr. Cary is one of the foremost experts on the Ontario electricity market and “has worked tirelessly with generators and other market participants for more than two decades to refine and improve the market and the conditions for those doing business in the electricity sector,” Mr. Bernstein said. From his present home base in St. Catharines, Ontario, Mr. Cary has provided expert advice to a wide range of clients in the energy sector on everything from market rules to contract management to business development strategies. He was a key advisor in the design of the new electricity markets in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and was one of the generator members of the Ontario IESO’s Technical Panel in its early years when the province’s electricity market was first being implemented.

          Mr. Bernstein noted that, “We have a political event to thank for this year’s winner of the Hedley Palmer award. In 1979, Rob Cary was working for a Canadian company in Iran, and pretty much grabbed the last flight out before Ayatolla Khomeini returned. He found himself in Vancouver, stayed for a couple of years, returned to the UK, and then came back for good in 1989.” Rob came to Canada as a graduate of the University of Cambridge, with an MBA and certification as a Professional Engineer.

          With a career spanning more than twenty years in the power industry in Canada, Mr. Cary has been a key participant in the development and evolution of the Ontario electricity market as we know it today.

          Mr. Cary’s professional career in the power sector has included a range of notable assignments such as the following:

• Numerous engagements within the IPP sector through his work with Agra – Monenco (now Amec) in the 1990s.

• Service with Westcoast Power, when he was involved with the Market Design Committee working group and technical panel in order to represent the interest of independent generators in the late 1990s.

• His role on the technical panel continued through market opening and into the early years of market operation.

• Helping to resolve market transition issues for gas-fired NUGs.

• Providing market knowledge, not just in Ontario but in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

• Providing input into program design (FIT, HCI, and CESOP), contract negotiations and dispute resolutions for a number of generators as well as the OPA.

          Starting in 2000, Rob put out his own shingle as an independent consultant. Mr. Bernstein noted that, “He is one of the few individuals who is equally adept at analyzing operational, contractual, and market issues and then in understanding their interrelationships. A good example of this was when he appeared as our expert witness during the current TCPL hearing at the NEB. Because of his expertise, cross examination was minimal on the evidence he provided!”

          Mr. Cary is also active in the electrical distribution sector where he served as Chair of the St. Catharines’ Hydro distribution utility until its merger in 2005 to create Horizon Utilities. He then became a board member of Horizon, and this year, he was appointed Chair of Horizon Utilities.

          The Hedley Palmer award was created by APPrO (or IPPSO as it was then known) in 1989 to honour an individual who in the judgment of the APPrO Board has made an outstanding contribution to the power generation industry in Ontario.

          Mr. Cary has been a director of APPrO since 1998. Describing his work, Mr. Bernstein said, “Both private and public sector clients have found that when you work with Rob you get quality advice, profound knowledge, and commitment. He is determined but fair. Plus he’s one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. The kind of person every Board would love to have – and fortunately we do.”

          Mr. Bernstein concluded by asking the audience to join him in thanking Mr. Cary, “for your outstanding contributions to our sector.”