The IESO Board of Directors has approved the following market rule amendments at its meeting on September 7.
MR-00381-R00: Centralized Forecasting Integration
This amendment integrates centralized forecasting for variable generation into IESO operations. Specifically, it integrates centralized forecasting as a limit to be applied on dispatch data submitted by variable generators in the Day-Ahead Commitment Process (DACP) and pre-dispatch schedules. This amendment is based on stakeholder consultation as part of SE-91 Renewable Integration. The effective date of this amendment is October 1, 2012.
MR-00381-R01: Centralized Forecasting Publication
This amendment obligates the IESO to provide a confidential, centralized forecast to each market participant operating variable generation facilities prior to each dispatch hour. This amendment is based on stakeholder consultation as part of SE-91 Renewable Integration. The effective date of this amendment is October 1, 2012.
MR-00393-R00: Limiting Payments to Exports During Negative Prices
This amendment limits the settlement price for energy as well as congestion management settlement credits for export transactions when the intertie zonal clearing price in the applicable zone is negative and the intertie is not import congested. The effective date of this amendment is October 1, 2012. The IESO Board resolution is posted at
This market rule amendment was very controversial and was defeated 6-5 at the Technical Panel. APPrO also expressed its concerns about the process by which this amendment moved forward as did other market participants. Nonetheless the IESO took the amendment to the IESO Board meeting on September 7, where it was approved. The IESO Board however, insisted that the rule be sunsetted once the rules resulting from SE91 come into force.