
Technical Panel requests comments on proposed rule changes


Toronto: New rule changes are being proposed by the IESO, initiatives that could affect generators and other market participants in significant ways.

          The Technical Panel announced in July that it was requesting comments on five proposed changes. The most significant for generators are likely to be the following market rule amendment proposals:


MR-00381-R02: Dispatching Variable Generation

          www.ieso.ca/imoweb/pubs/mr2012/MR-00381-R02.pdf proposes to amend the market rules to incorporate the dispatch of all variable generators that are market participants on a five-minute, economic basis, and to integrate centralized forecasts into the dispatch process.

          This amendment proposes to:

• Integrate centralized forecasting as a limit in the dispatch scheduling and pricing process on offers submitted by variable generators once dispatchable;

• Exclude variable generators from the definition of intermittent generators upon the implementation of five-minute dispatch for variable generators.

          This amendment proposal is based on stakeholder consultation as part of SE-91 Renewable Integration. Further information can be found on the IESO’s website at www.ieso.ca/imoweb/consult/consult_se91.asp. Additional market rule amendments related to the dispatch of variable generators will be presented to the Technical Panel at its August 21, 2012 meeting.

          Stakeholders are asked to provide comments by September 13, 2012, using the written submission form: www.ieso.ca/imoweb/pubs/marketAdmin/ma_f1467_MR_AmendmentWrittenSubmission.doc.


MR-00381-R03: Floor Prices for Variable and Nuclear Generation

          www.ieso.ca/imoweb/pubs/mr2012/MR-00381-R03.pdf proposes to amend the market rules to establish floor prices for variable generators (i.e. wind and solar) that are market participants, and flexible nuclear generation.

          This amendment proposal is based on stakeholder consultation as part of SE-91 Renewable Integration. Further information can be found on the IESO’s website at www.ieso.ca/imoweb/consult/consult_se91.asp. Additional market rule amendments related to the dispatch of variable generators will be presented to the Technical Panel at its August 21, 2012 meeting.

          Stakeholders are asked to provide comments by September 13, 2012, using the written submission form: www.ieso.ca/imoweb/pubs/marketAdmin/ma_f1467_MR_AmendmentWrittenSubmission.doc.


MR-00395-R00: Limiting Congestion Management Settlement Credit (CMSC) Payments to Constrained-Off Imports into Designated Chronically Congested Areas

          www.ieso.ca/imoweb/pubs/mr2012/MR-00395-R00.pdf proposes to amend the market rules to limit the payment of congestion management settlement credits to market participants that are offering to inject energy over an intertie into a designated chronically congested zone. The proposal recommends that import transactions constrained-off in the final pre-dispatch run prior to the dispatch hour will not be eligible for constrained-off congestion management settlement credits. At present the chronically congested zones will be defined as those zones designated as constrained-off watch zones (COWZ).

          This proposal has been discussed with the Inter-Jurisdictional Trading Standing Committee (www.ieso.ca/imoweb/consult/intertieTrading_sub.asp).

          Stakeholders are asked to provide comments by August 9, 2012, using the written submission form: www.ieso.ca/imoweb/pubs/marketAdmin/ma_f1467_MR_AmendmentWrittenSubmission.doc.