Citing the remarkable degree of collaboration shown in the response to natural disaster in Alberta, a group of energy stakeholders are calling for similar reaching across boundaries to find solutions in the energy sector.
The Energy Futures Lab is described as “a platform to discuss, experiment, and innovate. It seeks to “Generate breakthrough outcomes” through “New Partnerships, New Standards, Game-changing Business Models, Shifts in Public Narrative, and Changes in Public Policy.”
Titled “We're better together” the group instigated a collective statement published in the Calgary Herald on May 30. Signatories included representatives of major players in the energy sector such as Enbridge, Shell and Suncor. Key parts of the statement are shown below.
“The way Albertans have come together in response to the terrible events in Fort McMurray shows what we’re capable of when we put aside our differences and work together. We believe that we need to summon a similar spirit to address the interconnected issues of climate change, energy security, social equity and sustainable economic development. Our future prosperity depends on it. …
Alberta faces big challenges and new opportunities at a time when the forces shaping the global energy system are evolving rapidly and affecting our province deeply. As energy consumers living in a cold climate and geographically distant from other trading partners, Albertans use significant amounts of energy to live and do business. As an energy provider whose economic vitality is highly tied to the global energy economy, we face a new set of competitive factors.
We cannot expect that prosperity today lies in the same path that it did in the past. Neither can we abandon the resources and assets that have made our province prosperous until now. Our prosperity challenge lies in developing and leveraging our resources and assets in a way that helps build the energy system that the future requires of us. This means simultaneously developing low/no-carbon energy opportunities while reducing the footprint of the higher-carbon energy products that are currently the backbone of our economy. Alberta can lead the world by showing how this can be done.
There is a long history of innovation in Alberta to build from. The capabilities and know-how Albertans have developed as a global energy leader can serve as a platform for the innovation required to address our current challenge. Doing so will create new opportunities to renew our economic vitality and to diversify the sources of our shared prosperity.
Climate leadership is not just the role of government. We all have a responsibility to play a part, and we’ll be better if we act together. The Energy Futures Lab shows that people from diverse backgrounds, interests and political loyalties can work together on these important issues.
We’re better together, Alberta.”
Alexander Nnamonu, executive director, major legislative projects, Government of Alberta
Alison Thompson, chair, Canadian Geothermal Energy Association
Anouk Kendall, president, Decentralised Energy Canada
Binnu Jeyakumar, consulting adviser, Pembina Institute
Bruce Edgelow, vice-president strategic initiatives, ATB Financial
Chad Townsend, environmental co-ordinator, Town of Banff
Christopher Fry, external relations adviser, Shell Canada
David Lawlor, chair, Calgary Regional Airshed Zone
Dick Ebersohn, program manager, climate change, City of Calgary
Imre Szeman, Canada research chair in cultural studies, University of Alberta
Jennifer Martin, president and CEO, TELUS Spark
Jesse Row, executive director, Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance
Justin Smith, director of policy, research and government relations, Calgary Chamber of Commerce
Kyle Kasawski, managing director, SOLARMAX Power
Lorelei Hanson, associate professor, environmental studies, Athabasca University
Luciano Dalla-Longa, vice-president finance, Purefield Upgrading Canada Inc.
Mark Brostrom, director, city environmental strategies, City of Edmonton
Mary Ann Kenney, Manager, CSR and Sustainability, Enbridge
Meera Nathwani-Crowe, manager, environmental performance improvement, Shell Canada
Megan Zimmerman, business development manager, technology and renewable energy, Calgary Economic Development
Michael Quinn, associate vice-president, research, scholarship and community engagement, Mount Royal University
Sandy Martin, vice-president strategy and commercial development, Suncor Energy