Windpower O&M services – interesting facts

• The total market for wind energy Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services in Canada is expected to increase from about $265 million in 2014 to an estimated $450 million by 2020.

• Wind turbine manufacturers provide O&M services for 59 per cent of Canadian wind turbines, while independent service providers are responsible for three per cent. In-house teams take care of the remaining 37 per cent.

• The wind services market in Canada is in the early stages of development. But as the country’s wind fleet ages, asset owners are expected to seek out new, lower cost, innovative solutions to manage their fleets.

• An estimated 35 per cent of Canada’s operating wind turbines are no longer under warranty.

• Unscheduled major repairs make up an estimated 28 per cent of total annual operating expenses for a wind farm, but that number could go higher given the harsh climatic conditions Canadian wind turbines face.

• Unscheduled minor correctives make about 23 per cent of annual operational spending, and because they happen more frequently, there is a growing need for innovative solutions from service providers.

• Independent service providers and repair shops are achieving higher levels of specialization and sophistication in order to meet post warranty service needs.

— From CanWEA Windsight