Several community-owned windfarms have come on line in Nova Scotia in the first quarter of this year. The Nine Mile River Community Wind Project, a 4-megawatt windfarm located near Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, on the Nine Mile River, began commercial operations in late April following its completion by Scotian Windfields (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia). The facility uses two Vestas V100 turbines.
Earlier, in January, Scotian Wind also announced that its 6MW Martock Ridge windfarm had also begun producing electricity, and the 8 MW North Beaverbank windfarm, which began producing power in early April.
The terms of the agreements are set by the Community Feed-In-Tariff (COMFIT) program of the Nova Scotia Provincial Government, designed to promote distribution-connected projects that include a local ownership component. Local investment in Scotian Wind Inc. occurs through the Community Economic Development Investment (CEDIF) program of the provincial government.
Scotian Windfields currently lists ten windfarms, for 34.65 MW of capacity. The largest is North Beaverbank Community Wind.