The Canadian Industrial Energy End-Use and Analysis Centre (CIEEDAC) has received and reviewed the final release of industrial energy consumption data from Statistics Canada for 2012 and the preliminary data for 2013. It has now made the information accessible on line on its web site for general consumption.
Emissions data are updated as well and include some estimate of process emissions in so far as they are available to CIEEDAC. These will also be updated as data for 2014 from Environment Canada and the National Inventory Report are released this spring.
Stats Can provided GDP data, based on real $2007 for most industries, and the bulk of the physical unit production data. Gross Output data are not available for this release. For industries dependent on data from the Report on Energy Supply and Demand, the data (primarily electricity supply and construction data) have also been updated for 2012 and 2013.
For further information, readers may contact John Nyboer at