Ottawa: The Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA) released its policy position paper on solar energy policy options for Albertans on July 28. The paper, “From Proven Reserve to Developed Resource: Realizing the True Value of Solar Energy in Alberta,” is the result of research and consultations with the Alberta government and industry stakeholders undertaken by CanSIA throughout 2013.
CanSIA’s position paper recommends that the Government of Alberta:
• Introduce a Renewable and Alternative Energy Framework that charts the path for a minimum of 1.5% of Alberta’s electricity demand to be met by solar in 2022.
• Enhance Alberta’s micro-generation regulation by increasing the price paid for exported solar electricity to reflect an appropriate market value that would enable Albertans to realize a fair value for the solar electricity they generate.
• Introduce a Climate Change and Emissions Management Fund (CCEMF) program that targets accelerated adoption of solar in the residential and non-residential sectors with “Clean-Energy-Adders” to support the mandate of the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation (CCEMC) while longer-term policy solutions are developed.
• Introduce an Interim Demonstration Pilot Program for Large-Scale Solar to give rise to 150MW build capacity and overcome regulatory barriers before long-term policy is finalized.
“Alberta has before it a great opportunity to embrace the huge benefits of solar” said CanSIA President and CEO John Gorman. “The sun shines in Alberta more than in any other province, and Albertans understand the value of a strong energy resource. We’ve been talking about it for years; it’s now time to move forward.”