San Francisco: The Center for Resource Solutions announced July 7 the release of its Green-e Framework for Renewable Energy Certification, a guidance document that establishes baseline criteria for the development of regional Green-e certification standards around the world that will govern the sale and use of renewable energy certificates.
The new framework serves as the baseline for new Green-e regional and country-specific certification standards, and outlines the common core technical requirements for certification of renewable energy transactions that occur through electric service providers and other sellers of tradable certificate products, direct power purchase agreements (PPAs), and onsite generation. Those requirements seek to ensure that Green-e certified clean energy:
• is from newly created renewable electricity generation facilities
• meets resource-type eligibility screens to promote sustainable energy types
• contains all of the environmental attributes of the generation that can be owned, including all carbon dioxide attributes
• can consistently be used for “Scope 2” emissions reporting
• fulfills the advertising claims made by the seller, is not sold more than once, and is not claimed by any other end-user
• is not counted against existing governmental renewable energy mandates.
To read the Framework, visit Green-e Energy Documents.