As part of a Clean Climate Careers initiative that New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo announced June 2, he said the state will make an “unprecedented” investment of up to US$1.5 billion in major renewable energy projects, including wind and solar, and significantly expand energy efficiency and solar installations at public buildings. The initiative has three prongs: investing in renewable energy, providing funding for training in related careers, and establishing an Environmental Justice & Just Transition Working Group to develop priority programs and policies to help historical underserved communities.
The previous day, Governor Cuomo signed an executive order to commit New York to uphold the standards set forth in the Paris Accord and announced a U.S. Climate Alliance, along with California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr., and Washington State Governor Jay R. Inslee, to convene U.S. states committed to upholding the Paris Climate Agreement and taking aggressive action on climate change.
"As the federal government abdicates its responsibility to address climate change -- at the expense of our environment and economy – New York is leading the nation in advancing a clean energy future," Governor Cuomo said.