Argentina targets 20% renewables by 2025


Argentina recently announced the regulations governing its National Promotion for the Use of Sources of Renewable Energy, enacted in 2015. Act 27 191 aims at reaching a contribution of sources of renewable energy equal to 8% of the total national consumption of electric power by 2018 and reaching a contribution of sources of renewable energy equal to 20% of the total national consumption of electric power by 2025.

          Twelve billion pesos are being allocated to the Trust Fund for the Development of Renewable Energies (FODER).

          Among the features of the Act is a provision allowing major consumers (>300 kW) to directly enter into agreements with manufacturers.

   Financial incentives include accelerated fiscal depreciation, advance VAT return, exemption of dividend tax to encourage reinvestment in infrastructure, and others. A tax credit certificate is to be issued for a value equivalent to twenty percent of domestic goods included. The inclusion of domestic goods shall never be less than thirty percent.