Brian Bell appointed to Technical Panel

Toronto: Brian Bell, Manager of Market Monitoring at OPG, has been appointed as one of the two representatives of generators on the IESO’s Technical Panel. The appointment is for a three year term, and begins in April 2007. Mr. Bell replaces Peter Bettle of Brookfield Power who has served for the past three years. The other generator representative is Peter Alpajaro of Bruce Power. All three men are active on APPrO’s IESO Technical Panel Working Group, and were recommended by APPrO before the IESO made the appointments.

                In his current position at OPG Mr. Bell has accountabilities for monitoring changes to IESO market rules as well as analysis of OPG’s generation and trading activity in the IESO markets. He has been actively involved with the IESO market from before its inception. He has participated in numerous stakeholder activities including the Market Pricing Working Group, Intertie Trading Sub-Committee, DACP Assessment, Multi-Interval Optimization Project and the Market Operations Standing Committee. Prior to his involvement with the IESO markets, Brian held positions in production modeling and energy forecasting, outage coordination, generation bidding, settlements, software development and Transmission studies.

            For a complete list of the members of the Technical Panel, please see the related story opposite.