Impact of the 3X rate on price

“The IESO has estimated that the impact of the Amendment on HOEP will be an average 2.6 percent increase. However, the IESO has also estimated that the impact on consumer bills will be mitigated by: the export arbitrage response that is expected to follow implementation of the Amendment; the global adjustment; the rebate that is currently paid out on revenues earned by OPG on its non-prescribed assets (the “OPG Rebate'); savings in CMSC payments; and savings in Intertie Offer Guarantee payments (these being payments made to importers to reduce price risks for imports that result from the fact that they are scheduled based on pre-dispatch prices but settled on the basis of real-time prices). After accounting for such mitigation, and based on 2006 market prices, the impact of the Amendment would, according to the IESO, vary from a net cost of $6.68 million or 0.004 cents/kWh (assuming an export arbitrage response of 50%, which the IESO considers conservative) to a net saving of approximately $13 million or 0.008 cents/kWh (assuming an export arbitrage response of 100%). As a supplementary mitigation measure, the IESO intends to disburse surplus funds from the transmission rights clearing account (the “TR Clearing Account') over 12 consecutive months to begin in conjunction with implementation of the Amendment.'

From the OEB’s decision on the ramp rate amendment