US Energy Storage Monitor, a quarterly subscription service from GTM Research and the Energy Storage Association, covering energy storage deployments by segment, quarter, and state in the U.S. New in 2015. Contact Tate Ishimuro at
EP360O Blog, here, from Electric Power, for news updates
Added June 17, 2014
The monthly newsletter from NERC, the North American Electric Reliability Corp., is available here
Added January, 2014
Manuals, guides, data resources
Smart Energy Communities Catalogue From QUEST, Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow.
Added April 2015
Research and Development (R&D) Incentives Databook. An overview of all the R&D incentives being offered by the OECD countries. $3475, From PennEnergy research, here
Added April 2015
Municipal Guide To Biogas Free, from the Biogas Association, here
Added April 2015
GHG inventory quantifier certification from the CSA Group. Brochure & registration
Added February 2015
PowerSuite, a set of tools—including BillBoard, DocketDash, and PowerPortal—that allows you to search, track, and collaborate on energy legislation and utility regulatory proceedings from across the US with a single interface. Here
Added February 2015
Knowledge systems from McIlvaine Company: two comprehensive systems – Power Plant Systems and Components, and Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions; and five technology based systems: air pollution monitoring, etc. No charge for these systems. ContactThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Added February 2015
Global Renewable Support Mechanisms Databook 2014 From PennEnergy, here. Also Europe Fuel Cell Technology Market, here
Added January 2015
North and South America Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2014 from PennEnergy research
Added August 28, 2014
Platts North American Electric Power System Map as a wall map and a CD, at
Added June 20, 2014
Global Renewable Support Mechanisms Databook 2014 provides an overview of all the renewable support mechanisms that are available globally. $US 1999, from PennEnargy Research. Click here
Added June 15, 2014
Gas Turbine/Combined Cycle Decisions, a continuously updated website and weekly webinars on gas turbine /combined cycle (GTCC) projects around the world. Click on Gas Turbine and Combined Cycle Decisions
Added June 15, 2014
Smart Energy Atlas from QUEST. The top projects, programs, policies, and plans that are advancing smart energy communities across Canada.
Added June 13, 2014
Guide to Design, Configuration, Installation, and Maintenance US $237, From PowerMag
Added June 13, 2014
Gas Plants Guidebook from the Power Store
Added June 1, 2014
Energy Use Reports from CIEEDAC, The Canadian Industrial Energy End-Use and Analysis Centre: Electricity, oil refineries, cogeneration, renewable energy, district energy, more. At
Added April 11, 2014
2012 Power plant awards guidebook Plant of the year, smart grid award, top plants, etc. And other products, available from
Power Generation Financial Modelling and Analysis: A Practical Guide is available to order from Euromoney Books, Added March, 2014.
Plant Operations & Maintenance Guidebook, also Renewable Energy Guidebook, from the POWER bookstore. Find a full listing of products from the POWER bookstore here.
Added January, 2014
Aboriginal Business Directory from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. Link
Added January, 2014
Guide to applying for Environmental Compliance Approval recently published by Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment. The guide sets out application requirements for preparing a complete application using the new ECA application form and consolidates into a single document, information on supporting documentation and technical requirements, which was previously found in guides describing requirements for separate applications for Certificates of Approval. Access the guide here.
Colorado State University’s Center for the New Energy Economy (CNEE) recently announced the rollout of its Advanced Energy Legislation (AEL) Tracker, a new online database of energy-related state legislation pending in all 50 states. The center notes that state legislatures are considering more than 2,100 bills that could change the way Americans produce, buy and use energy. AEL Tracker identifies all those measures and monitors the progress of many advanced energy bills as they move forward. Visit
Reports, books, news sources
Articles on Aboriginal law Available for free from First Peoples Law, here
Added April 2015
Cyber Security Trends in the Energy Industry Survey and Report. $750, from PennEnergy research. Details
Added April 2015
The latest Electric Utility Industry Worldwide Directory is available from PennEnergy. More info
Added February 2015
Wind Energy Update O&M services report 2015 and other reports, from Wind Energy Update, here
Added February 2015
The Future Cost of Wind Power from PennEnergy research. Also solar power, others. Visit
Added January 2015
Role of natural gas for power generation by the Canadian Gas Association, here
Utility-scale solar power development US by SNL Energy, here
Added November 2014
Power plants: New opportunities: Free reports from SNL Energy, here
Wind Turbine - Market Size, Technology Overview, Technology Trends from PennEnergy Research.
Delta Energy & Environment videos on YouTube. Visit and subscribe to the channel to receive email updates when new videos are posted.
Added August 28, 2014
Energy Regulation and Markets Review 3rd edition, from Stikeman Elliott. Canada chapter available here
Added July 15, 2014
Understanding Wind Power Technology. Theory, Deployment and Optimisation from Research and Markets
Added July 10, 2014
Indigenous Business & Finance Today, a new service with business news, at
Added July 1, 2014
Expected Trends in Wind Power Market for 2013 From PennEnergy Research
Added June 15, 2014
World Offshore Wind Market Forecast 2013-2022 5th edition, from Research and Markets
Added June 13, 2014
Electricity Costs and Economics Report and Databook package from PennEnergy research. US$1900, more info
Added June 13, 2014
Solar Technology: The Latest Manufacturing Technology from PennEnergy Research. Solar PV Modules - Market Size, Annual Production, Average Price, Competitive Landscape and Key Country Analysis to 2020. US$3,995, at
Added April 1, 2014
Clean Energy Updates and the energy storage market, from PennEnergy research. Link. Also from PennEnergy: Regional Profile: Western Europe, link; The Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, link; North and South America Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2013, link, and others.
Added January, 2014
Energy Regulation and Markets Review, no charge, from Stikeman Elliott. Download here
Added January, 2014
2014 Strategic Directions: Utility Automation & Integration From Black & Veatch. Visit
Added January, 2014
Wind Power in Canada, Market Outlook to 2025 from PennEnergy research. Other reports: Gas Processing Industry Outlook in Canada; Biogas Power in Canada, Market Outlook to 2025; Offshore Wind: Technology and Market Analysis. Visit
Books on Power Engineering from Wiley Publishing: The Power Technology & Power Engineering section of the larger selection available at
Power Plant Management and other guidebooks from Power Mag,
AWEA U.S Wind Industry Annual Market Report Visit for complete information
PV investment guides from PV Magazine. The guides provide an overview of the PV-relevant legal, economic and infrastructural characteristics of these markets. They address in particular the information needs of project developers/EPCs, manufacturers, wholesalers, service providers and investors, and are available online and free of charge. Sign up here to receive the guides of your choice.
Growth Opportunities in Wind Energy Markets 2011 – 2016: Materials, Markets, and Technologies From Research and Markets, Research and, Link. Other reports from Research and Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Offshore Wind Farm Installation
12th Five-year Plan for Energy Technology of China (2011-2015), english version, from ATKEPP, an international energy consultancy focusing on promoting Sino-foreign energy and resources cooperation,
The Plan covers 4 key technology areas: exploration and mining technologies, processing and conversion technologies, power generation, transmission and distribution technologies and new energy technologies. The principle of giving priority to efficiency improvement is the basis for various key technology areas. The specific sectors included in the plan are oil and gas, shale gas, coal, CBM, power generation, transmission and distribution technologies, smart grid, hydropower, nuclear, solar, wind, energy storage, and biofuels. Detailed energy technology research, development, demonstration and deployment programs, directions and demand are described in the Plan.
Ontario Market Assessment – 2013 from Power Advisory LLC. Includes Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) forecasts, Surplus Baseload Generation (SBG) projections, Forecasts of negative HOEP and associated risks to generators and other market participants, and Projections of energy output from wind and solar PV generators during SBG hours and negative HOEP hours. For more information or to purchase the report, contact Jason Chee-Aloy (
Financial Training in the Energy Sector From the SNL Knowledge Centre library. Download here.
Distributed Power Service from Delta Energy & Environment provides country reports, market alerts, global sales & forecasts, etc.
Added April 8, 2014
The California Independent System Operator Corp. (CAISO) is now offering an online tool that provides guidance about the basics of connecting to the grid.
The guide includes interconnection options and FAQs to help developers understand basic requirements, a decision-mapping questionnaire to determine if interconnecting makes good business sense, and applications, forms and agreements for participants with projects currently in the interconnection study queue.